At Plymouth Community Homes we’re committed to delivering outstanding services for our residents, and to make sure our residents know exactly what they can expect from us, we’ve developed a new set of Service Standards.
Service Standards apply to our social rent tenants, leaseholders and shared owners, with standards covering areas from repairs and maintenance to housing management and complaints.
They have been put together to ensure our services are fair, equitable and consistent, and recognise the needs of all our residents. They will be monitored and reported on to our Executive Management Team and our Board, with specific measures to assess how well we are performing. Our residents can use these standards to make sure we are providing excellent services which meet their needs, and to hold us to account if we fall short so we can make improvements where we need to.
Our Service Standards have been developed in consultation with our residents and our Customer Focus Committee and built around the Plymouth Community Homes core values to make sure they are focused on residents’ needs. These are to:
- Care
- Respect
- Listen
- Do the Right Thing
Michelle Dawson, Executive Director of Homes & Communities at Plymouth Community Homes, said: “As part of our commitment to deliver outstanding services to our residents, we are delighted to launch our new set of Service Standards, which have been fully developed in consultation with our residents and our Customer Focus Committee.
“Our residents have helped to shape the standards to ensure they are reflective of what matters most to them. Our Customer Focus Committee, which features a number of resident co optees has also been heavily involved in developing the standards, which have been built around our values as an organisation.
“The Executive Management Team and Board at Plymouth Community Homes will be monitoring and reporting on the Service Standards with specific measures to assess how well we are performing. This information will be used to ensure we are meeting our commitments to you, our residents, and to help us to make improvements where we need to. Our performance information will be published on our website from April 2025 and will be updated every quarter.
“Our Service Standards cover twelve different areas from customer contact, to paying your rent and service charges, planned works to your home, leaseholder and commercial lets, as well as anti-social behaviour and more information about each standard is available on our website.”
More information about each standard is now available on our website, and they can be downloaded and printed at your convenience.