Earlier this month, Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) invited local residents, pupils from the local primary school and community organisations to witness the unveiling of two new murals in Stonehouse.
The murals painted by SpraySaint are located on a large wall and within the multi-use games area (MUGA) at Flora Court. They cover an English garden birds and small animals’ theme as well as a sports theme, linking in with our partnership with Argyle Community Trust.
Following a suggestion from Gary, the local ranger from the Environmental Services team at PCH, local residents, young people and pupils from St Peters Church of England Primary School were consulted at the start of the project to make sure they were involved in how the murals would look. Following the consultation, the housing officer applied for funding for the project.
The murals were unveiled at an event organised by PCH with refreshments provided by Argyle Community Trust and Plymouth Jollof Kitchen, and was joined by local residents, staff from PCH, SpraySaint, pupils and staff from the local primary school, Jollof Kitchen as well as Adam Randall and the Argyle Community Trust team.
Before the event, local young residents got involved with making a start on the mural alongside SpraySaint, and pupils from the local primary school planted spring bulbs to the flower beds next to the murals with the help of PCH staff.
Marissa Maloney, Housing Officer at Plymouth Community Homes, said: “It was fantastic to unveil the murals to the local community earlier this month and we are really pleased with how it brightens the area.
“As it is a space used by young people and local residents, we really wanted to involve them as much as possible and we are proud of how they were keen to get involved and how they are taking pride in their newly refreshed space.
“We would like to thank local organisations and members of the community who joined us for the unveiling and for their commitment to supporting our residents and the wider Stonehouse community."
Gary, local Ranger in the Environmental Services team at Plymouth Community Homes, said: "It's lovely to have two new murals in the area which have already brightened up the space for our residents and the local community. I have worked as a Ranger in the Stonehouse area for over nine years now, and I have enjoyed getting to know our residents over the years and in more recent weeks to hear their positive feedback about the murals.
"Our residents were really keen with the idea of the new murals, and it was great to be able to get the local children involved in the whole project from the mural to the tree and wild flower planting.
"The event allowed all the residents to gather and celebrate the transformation of the space, and it was nice to be joined by Jonathan Cowie our CEO and Adam Randall, the Argyle Captain!"
Shanda, local resident said: "This is a really bright and colourful piece that lightens up the community. I live close by and often visit the park with my children Jackson and Klay so its lovely to see spaces that make it look and feel more in touch with nature, especially somewhere so close to the city centre."